Daily Brian

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Here's to My Issues...

I'm incredibly ADD. Rhonda says I'm a "dabbler". I get into things briefly, get bored and move on to something new. Drives her nuts.

A brief list of some hobbies I have tried in no particular order (some of them I am still doing):
1 paintball
2 model rockets
3 cub scouts
4 girl scouts
5 video games (all systems)
6 musical instruments
a guitar
b bass guitar
c cornet
d clarinet
e dulcimer
f mountain dulcimer
g recorder
h harmonica
i flute
j tuba/sousaphone
k baritone
l piano
7 Magic: The Gathering
8 Dungeons & Dragons
9 Vampire: The Masquerade
10 Learning French
11 Tae Kwon Do (and other martial arts)
12 reading (I'm so far-sighted it hurts my eyes)
13 comics (Hawkeye, Ambush Bug, Deadpool, Captain America)
14 website design
15 college
16 hunting
17 archery
18 backpacking
19 being a member of a band (at least 10 that I remember)
20 helping to complete a D&D program called TavernMaker (see links)
21 blowgun, rifles, BB guns, soft air guns

The list would be a lot longer, but I'm too bored to continue. I'm done. Maybe I'll post some more links.


At 9:47 AM, September 28, 2005, Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

You forgot ass-pickin. You were always quite good at that...

doncha just love me? ;)

At 10:02 AM, September 28, 2005, Blogger SuperDad said...

yeah, I was picking my butt the other day and I found your class ring...

At 2:11 AM, September 29, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember that...one of your friends, can't remember who, borrowed the ring to wear on his big toe.

At 10:07 AM, October 02, 2005, Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

A finger I could see, but a toe...that's just getting greedy.


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